Mark your Calendars
Picture week is March 22-26 during your dancer's regular dance class time
*Please have your dancer dressed and ready to take his/her picture at the beginning of class that day.
*Your dancer can wear their hair how they choose for pictures. Light make up is recommended
*We will take both individual and class pictures.
*NEW THIS YEAR- Pictures will be ordered online so no packets this year! Look for a separate email with details and a letter from our photographer
Use your memo that was with your dance costume (note some classes are getting their costumes in the weeks to come) and read over instructions on how to wear your costume and we can help assist with minor things once you arrive.
*Note: Due to social distancing and limited space, we ask that parents send dancers into class and the teachers will assist with photos. After pictures are taken, we use picture week as a mini dress rehearsal for your dancer.